LA MUDA, photography exhibition
Greta Díaz Moreau and Josep Piñol (2021)
Amid the 2020 pandemic, Greta and Josep started to explore the world of scenographic portraiture at La Warhol, an agricultural warehouse located on the outskirts of Tivenys (Catalunya, Spain) that they converted into their creative studio.
Their creations resulted in dreamlike and symbolic worlds representing the authors' shedding skin, a process of personal and collective transformation as a couple. In their photographs, they wanted to explore issues they had been concerned about throughout their lives, such as the conflict of powers, the limits of consciousness, the uncertainty that the global pandemic had triggered, the liberating but suffocating nature of sex, the determinism of family and the acceptance of death.
On February 27, 2021, they inaugurated "La Muda" at the Lo Pati Art Center after two years of production. In this exhibition: photography, artistic installation, and scenography coexisted in the same space.
TV3. « Josep Piñol i Greta Díaz presenten LA MUDA al Centre d'Art Lo Pati »
Aprop Ebre « L'alliberament de Josep Piñol i Greta Díaz »
Així és ‘La Muda’, l’exposició multisensorial de Josep Piñol i Greta Díaz a Lo Pati
Surtdecasa.cat . « Josep Piñol i Greta Díaz "L'ego com més petit millor " »
Núvol. « La muda, retrats escenografiats »
Diari de Tarragona . « ‘La Muda’, retrats d’una transformació vital »
Artists: Greta Diaz Moreau and Josep Piñol
Curator: Aida Boix
Exhibition setup: Edgar de Ramón
Music: Lluís Martínez
Text: Guillem Gefaell and Laura Tamayo
Concept: Greta Diaz Moreau and Josep Piñol
Production design: Greta Diaz Moreau and Josep Piñol
Construction: Eugeni Piñol
Costume design: Anna Vizcarro
Stylist: Joan Salvadó
Accessories: Jordina Bravo
Jewelry: Raluca Buzura
Cam. Assist: Mar Favà and Laia Favà
Make Up: Maia Díaz Moreau
Babyclon: Cristina Iglesias
Film: Quim Melchor
Alizé Berenguer
Darko Periç
Sílvia Pérez Cruz
Ana Rujas
Toni Segarra
Itziar Castro
Belén Fabra
Roberto Olivan
Aida Folch
Merche Mayor
Lluís Martínez
Nadja Stadtvoigt
Year: 2021
Country: Spain
Centre d’Art Lo Pati, Amposta
with the support of:
Aj. Amposta
Dep. Cultura Generalitat de Catalunya
Diputació de Tarragona

Greta Díaz Moreau and Josep Piñol Curto, self portrait 2020
behind the scenes... by Abel Carbajal